Saturday, February 14, 2009

Wood Firing Workshop

Our 2009 Spring Wood Firing workshop will be held March 4th(Wed) to 7th(Sat), 2009. Participants will have approximately 10 cubic feet of space in the kiln.

Since we have started mixing our own clay, this time we are going to provide 50 lbs of our cone 10 white clay to each participant to try. If you make your work in your studio, you are required to bring bisque pots made with clay capable of being fired to cone 10 or higher.

Participants are required to join the loading and unloading as well as the firing of the kiln. Wood Firing Instructor, Takuro Shibata will guide you through loading the kiln and firing techniques throughout the workshop.Date: March 4(Wed)-7(Sat), 2008
Cost: $180.00
Participant: Minimum 5, Maximum 7
Space: Approximately 10 cubic feet per person
March 4 (Wed) 9am-5pm, glazing
March 5 (Thu) 9am-evening, loading kiln
March 6 (Fri) Firing all day
March 7 (Sat) Firing all day

Call or email us to sign up!

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