Sunday, June 28, 2009

Visit to Penland 2

The second day, we visited to Michael Kline's studio. He has a studio and kiln on top of the hill and it has very nice view. We should be very much familiar with mountains and hills in Japan, but somehow we forgot about it, so we were very surprised how high Penland area is located.
Michael was very exited about STARworks clay, and we hope he will have good results. He is going to give our clay samples to local potters around him. Very kind of you, Michael.

And this guy was really happy to get on Michael Kline's mower in front of his studio. He doesn't like long driving (by car), though.


Michael Mahan said...

That's a long drive for the little guy to sit still for that long. And you were by yourself?

Hope you're feeling better.


Hitomi said...


Takuro got cold or flu and he didn't feel good at all on our trip. Still he is very tired from sick. Hope he get better ASAP.

On the way to go to Penland, this guy kept sleeping and it was easy, but on the way to home, he kept complaining and crying and it was nightmare. We had to stop many places, like rest area, Food lion, McDonald, the middle of nowhere. Yes, we three went there.

Penland is very very different from here. I don't know why, maybe mountains, or clear air. Shigaraki is located highlands and we almost forgot that landscape. There are lots of very good potters in Penland and makes me inspired a lot. Hitomi